Words no longer seemed to make as much sense to her as before
She dreamed and she lived on
But, she was faced with a harsh reality of becoming herself and stepping into the new crystallised lights, once some events and acts impacted her in ways that she never forecasted
She was told to carry on and stay positive
In order to remain on a solid path
But, they didn’t understand her reality and what felt so normal to them, was what was so abnormal to her
She could straddle and strive on
And that’s what she aimed to do
But she was tied once again
Almost like a banner between her head and heart
To not give up
But, to carry her load and continue on
As it would be best for her to follow the most well lit and God guided path, but sometimes she struggled
In fact, she struggled a lot
And so perspective helped at times
Objective....subjective....from within, from outside
Whatever worked
Sometimes just an extra layer of reality and a different worldview changed everything for her, and even brought light to the darkness
She questioned coming off the road completely, but finally figured it made most sense to stay on it
At least for the remaining hours she had left to complete her task
She was dumbfounded at how an act, one could consider to be so ‘small’, could impact her so much
Was it a build up?
Was this from within?
Was this always waiting to happen?
She questioned over and over again, struggling to trace back her steps and find the source of where her overflowing thoughts and emotions came from
Reality waited for her
It always did
Because she had the power to mould it to suit herself
And that’s what she continued to do...
If I could, I would walk in your shoes,
bear witness to your perspectives
by being subjective regardless of the distress.
Remember, your soul is one that shines,
one that resembles the sweet taste of wine,
so whenever you heal, I feel.
Senseless words are what we used to dismantle the cradles of our thoughts;
hence, my stare at your doubts.
The path has been zebra-crossed
stop, left and right, your way forward has been justified,
mystified are the moments from point A to B,
which are mould by the grace-tied.
In other words, the "Path" is the way.
I loved your poem; not many people are genuine in their words when describing their inner-hurdles. I left a piece of…